Sowing... A very busy month as the spring sown plants are now getting to the end of their productivity and will need replacing. Peas and beans, brassicas, carrots, courgettes, coriander and basil have ALL been sown this month.
Harvesting... We are again enjoying courgettes every day this month, and one or two that have been left have grown into lovely marrows (just a large version of the courgette!). Peas, asparagus, carrots, greens (the leaves from cabbage, broccoli etc), runner beans and cucumbers are available to eat as are the first of the cauliflowers. We are leaving the potatoes in the ground and picking them as we need them - the 'Accent Early' potatoes have produced a fabulous crop but the 'Golden Wonder' main crop (both centre front in the photo below) are not quite as good...
Jobs... Checking for caterpillars every time we go into the polytunnel!! The caterpillars we have this year have enormous appetites and will eat their way through a cabbage overnight if we are not careful. Regular watering is necessary as the temperature in the polytunnel is over 40°C during the day. Weeding is needed - if the conditions are ideal for the veg they are ideal for the weeds! Nettles and docks seem to sprout out of nowhere - we pick the nettles for the goats to eat!
Comments... The squash and pumpkin are coming on and need careful management. If left to their own devices they will take over the polytunnel - once a few fruits have appeared we trim back the trailers and tendrils. The courgettes next to the tomatoes have to be trimmed every couple of days, such is the growth of the plants! The chillies and aubergine may not give us a crop this year as they are still very small (bottom left of the photo below) but we have enough room to give them a chance...